Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Plan some plans !

We make plans. Most of them just turn out to be things written in ink on tiny bits of papers kept and forgotten in some old books while the other lucky ones are those that are executed. Making plans is easy, making good plans is difficult and making plans that will actually work is arduous. Still we make plans because that is how we do the least we can do to decide what our tomorrow would be like. We plan because random ramblings do not necessary may take us to our destination, we have to map a way to land up there and most importantly we plan because planning is free of cost. We take utmost care in making those plans because they are supposed to give us what we want but sadly destiny batters our plans. This does not happen because our plan was wrong but because some times what we want is not what we need. The funny thing about destiny is that it does not take in account our plans. It’s painful how our plans slip out of our fists however hard we try to hold them. They fail.
Life is what happens while we were busy making other plans. Life moves on and drags us along with it. However badly we try to stick to a today, it becomes a yesterday in less than twenty four hours. Sooner or later what we got to do is turn our back to the failures and make another plan to be happy. And hey, why worry when you can always switch to plan B.