Sunday, 8 September 2013

Things to do - 1) Do nothing.. 2) keep doing it !

Lets take a leave from our busy schedule and give some time to ourself, stand in front of the mirror and talk. Without worrying about the smudged mascara or that awful mark on your pretty face because of a stupid pimple that couldn't wait to erupt, try just talking. Instead of looking at you try to look in you. See, smile, speak, scream !!  You'v just had a day full of friends and foes like any other day. Talking, thinking, running from one place to another, being with someone and not being with someone. Exhausting ! Isn't it ? Now is the time to enjoy this company of your own. Bring some peace to your mind.
Try and talk face to face, you wouldn't lie to yourself. You can shower flying kisses to the person you see for how amazing they are or you can tell them how miserable they make your life sometimes, in any case its all coming back to you !! Unlike they say it is not called being alone, it is called transcribing your relation with yourself. Tired of the worldly issues and drama, this is when you may rediscover yourself. When you are happy with the alliance you have with yourself, only then can you build up good connections with others and guess what- the world wants you to be happy !
Next on list : do something that makes you really happy read, write, sing, dance, walk, sleep or just breathe !
You are on a leave, make the most of it.