For anyone who is going to drop reading this assuming it to be just another article based on gender equality, let me give you a better reason for not reading it. It is not even a bit about gender equality because the fact is that this very term is a myth. It would take years if we try to fill the gap that has spawned over centuries. So this is not about Him v/s Her, its only about her. Now mister if you want, you can skip reading this and do some of your important works or even you feel a bit out of space here, I would suggest reading and not clicking the cross.
Let us ponder over what is Being Woman?
- It is being the apple of eyes of the family.
- It is being the helping daughter that kneads dough when the mother is unwell.
- It is being the greedy sister that marks raksha bandhan on calendar even before birthdays.
- It is being the delicate dancer that sways by the music of devotion.
- It is being the explorer of the right color all over the wardrobe only to end up picking pink.
- It is being the charm of every party.
- It is being the honor of having the door held open and chair pulled out.
- It is being the harbinger of selfless hugs.
- It is being the everyday tourist to shopping complexes.
- It is being the birth right of being right.
- It is being the phenomenon of mood swings
- It is being all this and much more, It is being the carrier of life !
Let us flip the coin now, why is most of the important works that run the economy are believed to be the responsibility of a man, he may make life easier but she makes the life. Sadly most of the times her life becomes a never ending struggle of survival for some and a regret of lost dreams for others. A woman's work is not considered important because that is something that has to be done, she was born to do the daily chores, clean the household and cook food isn't it? There is nothing to be mentioned or appreciated, but there are somethings that need to be reminded again and again,
- It is not just being a woman..... It is being the epitome of endurance.
Her entire life is a pain hidden beneath the layers of make up and colorful dresses. Funny was not the list that I made above, funny is the line that comes now...
Do you really know what is being a woman?
- It is being the bearer of the pain and still being called the weaker sex !
Now, before you think that I am a hopeless misandrist, I should give a statement that I never said that either of the species is unimportant. Men and women complete each other, similarly I am not in an opinion that this society can anyhow work without involvement and efforts of a man but mister somewhere between getting up in the morning and going to bed again in night, at least one woman would surely have given her best effort to make things perfect for you. Respect her !!
कभी किलकारी बन कर आँगन में गूँज गयी
कभी ज़िम्मेदारी बन कर आँगन से दूर गयी
अम्मा की लाडली कभी आग से खेल गयी
बाबा की गुड़िया जाने क्या क्या झेल गयी
कभी हिना के रंग सी हाँथों पे खिल गयी
कभी के अंधेरों से लड़ती मिटटी में मिल गयी
कभी लहरों से झगड़ती किनारे पे डेह गयी