Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Curtained !!

You say that girl speaks a lot..
maybe you could never see the thousands of unspoken feelings hidden in her eyes !
You wonder why does she laugh so much..
maybe you missed out on listening to the cries of pain that are still inside her !!
You see her mingling with everyone..
but you never saw how alone she feels at times,so deprived of someone who'll never let her go !!
You think how easy going her life is..
you've never faced the hardships she has to bear now and then !!
You question her versatility..
but you cannot answer the questions boggling her mind all the time !!
She fell down many times expecting a hand that would help her stand up again..
and she has carried the burden of unfulfilled expectations !!!
She has been hurt .. she has cried a lot..
but you'll never actually understand because she has learned how to curtain it from the world.

~~ काश कि उसकी आँखों में छुपा दर्द  तुम पढ़ पाते
वो बता कर भी क्या करे तुम सुनते तो हो पर सुन पाते ~~