Feelings have more things bottled up than words could ever scream out.
The very thought of not being anymore with someone who resides in a very special corner of heart scares us enough.The tied ribbons start loosening themselves.They have to go.They have to go, explore the world outside your world.
I talk of my seniors in college. Now that they are all set to fly away to their respective horizons,all i can do is to wish and hope the best for them. My ambigious thoughts keep making me smile and cry at the same time.What started with no hope of growing was feeded with love care and affection and now it needs all of that more and everyday. Ain't no sunshine when you are gone,how will the plant grow and breathe.
But then I know which ever part of the globe you reach, the memories we have created shall always remain inked in your mind.
Some Goodbyes are not meant forever !!
#On my mind - Seasons in the Sun by Westlife !!
we had joys
we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the wine and the song just like seasons have all gone.