And she thought she is safe somewhere. Of course then, she was an idiot. She'll either die or maybe she'll survive but will she be able to live now? Is life just measured by breathe count? I assume the nation will raise its voice again, protest marches, table banging in parliament but what if they'r tired, what if they have given up, given up to this way of living of waking everyday to a new morning news of another female fool who thought she could breathe freely in this country, then maybe the newspapers would start up a new column or a page called The Rapes Of India. Her cries of pain will eventually evaporate into nothing.
Today it is not me writing this, it is every she speaking to you, every she who feels herself trapped in an unending tunnel with no ray of light at end, every she you talk of, every she you objectify, every she you try to grope in public transport, every she you whistle at in the corner of street, every she who tries to cover up herself but never is able to hide, every she whose eyes carries a fear of your eyes, every she who curses God for giving her this life, every she who had wings and every she you did not let fly.
Right from the day she was born he was mightier, stronger and the one who has to carry the world forward and she was weaker, delicate, unsubstantial. If this is what has to happen then female foeticide would be better option. Its better not to let a plant shoot up and dream of touching the sky if it'll be slaughtered anyway.