Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Curtained !!

You say that girl speaks a lot..
maybe you could never see the thousands of unspoken feelings hidden in her eyes !
You wonder why does she laugh so much..
maybe you missed out on listening to the cries of pain that are still inside her !!
You see her mingling with everyone..
but you never saw how alone she feels at times,so deprived of someone who'll never let her go !!
You think how easy going her life is..
you've never faced the hardships she has to bear now and then !!
You question her versatility..
but you cannot answer the questions boggling her mind all the time !!
She fell down many times expecting a hand that would help her stand up again..
and she has carried the burden of unfulfilled expectations !!!
She has been hurt .. she has cried a lot..
but you'll never actually understand because she has learned how to curtain it from the world.

~~ काश कि उसकी आँखों में छुपा दर्द  तुम पढ़ पाते
वो बता कर भी क्या करे तुम सुनते तो हो पर सुन पाते ~~ 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Say sorry to your heart !!

Its time you should realize that things that are not fitting into your fist are bound to be abdicated now. Its foolish to bruise your fingers by clinging on to its hold. Let go. Your hands were meant to help you realize your dreams, those dreams that are there, sulking beneath your pillow every night. Look out for them, see if they still are trying to breathe. Give them some air. Examine the pain you've caused to yourself, i know someone has pricked you up a lot but if they are not sorry to you be sorry to yourself. Say sorry to your heart, see the innumerable pains you've given to the little pumping machine inside your body.
Its alright if you wish to cry now. The body has its mechanism of flushing out the waste when it starts causing trouble to your living. If you hate them, they still exist. Cry once and wipe them off. They don't deserve anymore of it. At the end of the day you have to sleep back on that very pillow and wait for the new morning to come.

~~ हर सवेरे को मालूम नहीं होती अपने होने की वजह
पर हर रोज़ की बेवजह अँधेरे पर फ़तेह कर लेता है ~~

Monday, 10 June 2013

just another post !!

TV series- How I met your Mother- Season 4 Episode 22 :

Future Ted- The great moments of your life wont necessarily be the things you do,
they'll also be things that happen to you.
I'm not saying you can't take action to affect the outcome of your life
You have to take action and you will...
but never forget that on any day, you could step out of the front door and your whole life can change forever.
The universe has a plan and that plan is always in motion.
A butterfly flaps its wing and it starts to rain.
Its a scary thought but it's also kind of wonderful.
All these little parts of the machine constantly working making sure that you end up exactly where you're supposed to be, exactly when you are supposed to be there.

The right place at the right time !!

Its a beautiful thought that himym gave me.We curse the moment when we do not land up where we wanted to go, maybe a movie that we could not catch up because of the last ticket that got sold off or a journey we could not travel on the projected day because we missed the train but you should know that everything that is happening has already been planned somewhere, all in our benefits. We tend to take time to realize this but then relax your life is being painted shades by shades by the best painter.
Maybe that movie was not worth spending that amount and that journey would not have taken us to the destination where we could find what we were looking for. There is a certain darkness needed to see the stars and this darkness should not be cursed.
Destiny plays a role in what we become but not as much as what we decide and do. One day we are what we want to be and other day what we had to be, but in both cases we have to play our part carefully because in the end we wont remember if it was destiny or action. It would be just what we have become and nothing else would matter.