Sunday, 19 May 2013


Last night I was in a paradise

A little paradise where the tender plants of friendship were strong enough to withstand any wind of adversity
Where there were little hands working together to form a sand castle of their dreams but there was no harsh sea to destroy it.
Where small gestures of love could cure all the diseased relations
Where I never had to hurt my fingers collecting the broken pieces of trust I once had on someone
Where my actions proved to be an everlasting source of happiness
Where I never had to witness my beloved people walking away leaving my hand
Where I never had to wipe my tears to see two people who were walking with each other, move apart
My paradise had no place for harsh words, broken dreams and shattered feelings
Where every relation was at its best, brimming with happiness and no complaint box
Where there was an undo button to correct every mistake
Where every morning was a new start and every night was a peaceful reward for accomplished tasks of the day
This paradise which was far from the harsh world of reality we live in
That my paradise of dreams, a place I wish to go again and never to return back
I had a dream last night which was a happiness heap
I had a dream last night that I always wish to keep.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

What went wrong is still unanswered !!

Is it the people that talk rubbish
or you who believed those rubbish talks.
Is it the priorities that have increased
or you who made something else more important
Is it the schedule that do not match
or the time that you don't spend together now
Has the mind got new things to think
or the heart does not care anymore
Is it the harsh words that were uttered
or the sweet feelings that are still unexpressed
What went wrong is still unanswered.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Be the author of your Life !!

Each one of you was born to create a story, the plot of which is not known beforehand but you have to keep on writing. You write it each day; page by page; adding and deleting characters as and how they come and go. In the process, you also become a part of their story and they give you a new chapter to write.
In the wind of years, one day among the piled up chapters in a worn out booklet you'll come through a chapter that'll make you wonder "Did I really do that?". Its totally fine to find a few more chapters like these because not all of them were meant to be read and re-read. They were the ones that were drafted haphazardly adulterated by story of a few wrong people. If they do not exist with you now, they were not meant to be written about anymore. Stop dragging people along with you, you'r wasting your energy. They'll tangle up your strings of thought. Instead go out, look around, you'll find a better person who'll give you better ink to write in and maybe a good ending too.
Be random. Randomness leads to positive energy. Someone may try to organize you up but then its your story and you do not need a proofreader for it. So, choose your font and format, pick up a brand new pen and start. Remember when writing your story, don't let anyone even touch your pen. Smile and take pride. I know you'll write good.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Some Goodbyes are not meant forever !!

Feelings have more things bottled up than words could ever scream out.
The very thought of not being anymore with someone who resides in a very special corner of heart scares us enough.The tied ribbons start loosening themselves.They have to go.They have to go, explore the world outside your world.
I talk of my seniors in college. Now that they are all set to fly away to their respective horizons,all i can do is to wish and hope the best for them. My ambigious thoughts keep making me smile and cry at the same time.What started with no hope of growing was feeded with love care and affection and now it needs all of that more and everyday. Ain't no sunshine when you are gone,how will the plant grow and breathe.
But then I know which ever part of the globe you reach, the memories we have created shall always remain inked in your mind.
Some Goodbyes are not meant forever !!

#On my mind - Seasons in the Sun by Westlife !!
we had joys
we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
but the wine and the song just like seasons have all gone.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

A Piece of Thought

Time passes so that new time arrives.Its a moment of smile here and a tick of frown there but as a golden rule- the only thing constant in this world is "change".

When things seem to go all wrong and every bit of you seems ailing all that is needed is a believe that this will too pass because somewhere in this world there is a tiny caterpillar of happiness,still underdeveloped but growing everyday,every minute to open up its wings someday and fill your life with the colors of a butterfly.

Sometimes the knots of despair are too tight but there is always a pair of scissors strong enough to cut them apart, again a faith a needed that somehow all that is happening in your life is unfolding itself in your best interests.
The door to true happiness needs a gentle push inside.

Being Together !!

Its once in a lifetime we come across such people who make life worth living.
This one is for the best roommates ever.. My darlings-  Suku and Neeti !!
We talk on stupid issues and laugh stupidly on the serious ones
We sing loudly and pathetically but being together we enjoy the torture

We switch off our morning alarms and blame each other for getting late to the class

Our room’s conditions is no less than an earthquake site but we still find comfort lying on our beds and chatting

We fight with others for each other and sometimes with each other due to others but the perennial love sooths it all

We fight to get the mirror first in the morning; we give the dirty utensils a pitiful look but do nothing about it because it’s always “Not My Turn”

We dance like fools in the room anytime and every time and pose stupidly for pictures

The anytime kisses and hugs, the sharing of wardrobes ,the care, the love, the arguments ,the concerns

We decide to study together with a strict plan but end up planning about the next outing

We celebrate each day that goes on and we live each moment that passes by

We all face problems in life ,go through bad phases but being together we can tackle them all

Because we don’t just live together we believe in BEING TOGETHER